Thursday, 14 February 2013

Magazine Article

Double Page Spread:

For my double page spread, I am going to base it on the Music Magazine, Q.

Q are famous for bringing a fresh feel and class to the music genre. They have common double page spreads that have a unique feel, here is an example of a few..

All of the articles you see above you have the same fresh look. 3 our of 4 of them have a letter in the foreground. I admire this technique because it looks more professional, and it makes different as well. The double page spread I am going to base mine upon is the Jay Z article. I chose this article because it fits the genre that the promotion video is based upon.

Jay Z Article


The font in all Q magazine are usually quite small and very specific. By looking at this article, the font on the right is small, but in every new paragraph, the first letter is quite big and very sophisticated, it gives it a professional feeling, one I hope to imitate. Also, notice the large, red 'J' running through the middle of the article, from looking at this single letter at a distance, it fits in well with the genre of the magazine and also, makes it look more interesting to look at. I hope to put the letters 'ASM' in the foreground of my magazine article, but have the letters a dimmer colour, so they don't stick out as much as this single letter does. The font on the left of the page tells a different story, the quote you see is in the colour red, but it is different to the font on the right, but this makes the article even more different, it isn't the same, which is unique. Also, the 'RapRadar' logo, seems like an interesting logo to incorporate into my magazine article. Overall, the font tells a unique and different aspect of the Hip Hop music genre and also, it destroys the generic music magazines. Q provides something new for the reader to look at.

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